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+4 votes

How to reverse engineer chinese led display screen control android samsung

by (98.4k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

Reverse engineering the Android APK for Chinese LED display control is a complex but systematic process, mainly involving decompiling the APK file, code analysis, functional understanding, and possible modification and repackaging. The following is a detailed step-by-step guide:

I. Preparation

1. Install the necessary tools:

- APKTool: used to decompile the APK file and obtain its source code and resource files.

- dex2jar: convert the dex file (Android's bytecode file) to a jar file for easy viewing and analysis in a Java environment.

- JD-GUI: Java decompiler, used to view the Java source code in the jar file.

- IDEA (IntelliJ IDEA) or Eclipse: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for code editing and debugging (optional, but recommended).

- Smali/Baksmali: used to view and edit smali code (Dalvik bytecode).

- Frida or Xposed: used to dynamically debug and analyze the behavior of the APK runtime (optional, but very useful).

2. Get the APK file: Make sure you have permission to obtain and analyze the target APK file.

II. Decompile APK

1. Decompile APK using APKTool:

- Place the APK file and APKTool in the same directory.

- Open the command line window and enter the `apktool d <APK file name>` command to decompile.

- After decompilation, a folder containing source code and resource files will be generated.

2. View and analyze resource files:

- In the generated folder, the `res` directory contains all resource files, such as layout files, images, strings, etc.

- The `AndroidManifest.xml` file describes the components, permissions, and other information of the APK.

3. Convert dex files to jar files:

- Use the dex2jar tool to convert the `classes.dex` file to the `classes.jar` file.

- Use JD-GUI to open the `classes.jar` file and view the Java source code.

III. Code analysis

1. Static analysis:

- View the Java source code through JD-GUI to understand the main functions and logic of the APK.

- Analyze `smali` code (if necessary), because some functions may be implemented directly in Dalvik bytecode.

2. Dynamic analysis:

- Use Frida or Xposed framework to inject code at runtime and observe the behavior of APK.

- Capture key information such as network requests, system calls, etc.

IV. Modification and repackaging

1. Modify code or resources:

- Modify source code or resource files as needed.

- Pay attention to keep the correctness of code structure and resource references.

2. Repack APK:

- Use APKTool to repack the modified folder into an APK file.

- Use the signature tool to sign the APK to ensure that it can be installed and run.

V. Testing and verification

1. Installation test:

- Install the repacked and signed APK on an Android device.

- Test whether the modified functions work as expected.

2. Debug and fix:

- If problems are found, repeat the above steps to debug and fix.


- Legal compliance: Make sure you have the right to reverse engineer the target APK. Unauthorized reverse engineering may violate copyright or other relevant laws.

- Technical difficulty: Reverse engineering is a technically intensive process that requires certain programming and Android development knowledge.

- Security and stability: The modified APK may have security and stability issues and require careful testing and verification.

The above steps provide a basic framework, but the specific reverse engineering process may vary depending on the complexity and specific needs of the APK. In actual operation, you may need to adjust the steps and the use of tools according to the specific situation.

by (33.0k points)
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