LED formal chip, also known as LED light-emitting chip or core component of LED light, refers to a structural form of LED (light-emitting diode). The heart of the LED chip is a semiconductor wafer, which is composed of two parts: one part is a P-type semiconductor, in which holes dominate; the other end is an N-type semiconductor, mainly electrons. When these two semiconductors are connected, a P-N junction is formed between them.
When an electric current acts on this wafer through a wire, electrons will be pushed to the P region, where they will recombine with holes, and then energy will be emitted in the form of photons. This is the principle of LED luminescence. The main function of the LED chip is to convert electrical energy into light energy, and the wavelength of light (i.e. the color of light) is determined by the material forming the P-N junction.
In addition, LED formal chips have various characteristics, such as high brightness, excellent reliability, wide application, high safety and long life. One of the important parameters of the LED formal chip is the forward working current If, which refers to the forward current value when the light-emitting diode emits light normally.